By golly, people really do like him.
"A dame who knows the ropes isn't likely to get tied up." Mae West
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Stuart Smalley wins.
Posted by Catch Her in the Wry at 1:53 PM 4 comments
Labels: politics
Animal House
It is very disconcerting waking up to find a strange cat perched in your kitchen window inside your house.
Apparently there was a cat sleep-over last night, and Cootie and Miss Kitty neglected to tell me. Most likely the orange tabby, who had made herself comfortable in the kitchen, had drunk too much beer and decided to spend the night rather than risk driving home.
Or perhaps she had sneaked into our house when the door was slightly ajar last night and she ultimately found herself trapped. She didn't seem to object to me picking her up this morning and stroking her fur as I carried her to the door. As I set her down outside, she thanked me for the luxurious accommodations including an abundance of food, water, and clean litter box, then scampered off to the house next door where she lives.
Her parents probably gave her the third degree when she showed up, demanding to know where she'd been all night. I'll offer an excuse for her later, because my cats aren't talking.
This is not the first time strange creatures have shown up in my house. There have been other cats and there have been bats. We do have one of these lurking around the rear of the yard. I just hope he doesn't show up inside the house some day.
Posted by Catch Her in the Wry at 9:35 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 29, 2009
Robbing Peter to pay Paul
Madoff gets 150 year sentence for his Ponzi scheme.
Who gets the 150 year sentence for the Social Security Administration's Ponzi scheme? Oh yes, the U. S. taxpayers.
Posted by Catch Her in the Wry at 11:24 AM 2 comments
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Jackson on Jackson
I was wondering how long it would take before Jesse Jackson showed up in the media this week.
Posted by Catch Her in the Wry at 3:48 PM 0 comments
Labels: news
Thursday, June 25, 2009
One isn't the loneliest number
What a commentary on civilization, when being alone is being suspect; when one has to apologize for it, make excuses, hide the fact that one practices it - like a secret vice. - Anne Morrow Lindbergh
This post originally was in defense Gov. Mark Sanford's escape from everyday life to hike in the Appalachians alone. 24 hours later, I'm not defending his real actions, but I do advocate running away alone sometimes.
I don't believe it's weird for a person to want some long solitary moments, away from the hub-bub of work and family. I love alone time. Occasionally I will just get in my car by myself and drive a hundred miles, spending an afternoon going nowhere and allowing my mind to roam as well. No music. No radio. The habit developed because it used to be the only way I could get away from ringing phones or people knocking on my door.
Living in a small town, one can't go to local parks, cemeteries or other quiet spots without meeting someone you know and having to strike up a conversation. You can't sit in your yard or even do yard work without neighbors interrupting your thoughts or passersby stopping by for a social chit-chat. The alternative is to shut one's self in the house or just drive away.
Now that one of my children has a farm, I'll sometimes escape there just to listen to the wildlife and the breeze softly playing the needles of the pine trees. If there were an ocean nearby, I'd be sitting on the dock of a bay, watching the tide roll away, not really wasting my time.
For some, an hour simply soaking in the bathtub is enough alone time. For others it's hiking, running, or fishing. Whatever your alone time is, take time to do it and shut off the MP3 player, the radio, the TV, and other distractions and take time to discover something about yourself.
Here are some other quotes about solitude:
Language... has created the word "loneliness" to express the pain of being alone. And it has created the word "solitude" to express the glory of being alone. - Paul Tillich
The monotony and solitude of a quiet life stimulates the creative mind. - Albert Einstein
The best thinking has been done in solitude. The worst has been done in turmoil. - Thomas A. Edison
We live in a very tense society. We are pulled apart... and we all need to learn how to pull ourselves together.... I think that at least part of the answer lies in solitude. - Helen Hayes
The great omission in American life is solitude; not loneliness, for this is an alienation that thrives most in the midst of crowds, but that zone of time and space, free from the outside pressures, which is the incubator of the spirit. - Marya Mannes
True silence is the rest of the mind, and is to the spirit what sleep is to the body, nourishment and refreshment. - William Penn
Solitude never hurt anyone. Emily Dickinson lived alone, and she wrote some of the most beautiful poetry the world has ever known... then went crazy as a loon. - Lisa SimpsonPosted by Catch Her in the Wry at 11:32 AM 0 comments
Labels: life
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Judgement Day
It is beauty pageant season and I have a relative participating in one. At 18, she is confident, smart, competitive, and beautiful, and it doesn't seem to bother her that people will be judging her. In fact, she volunteered to be in that position.
I hated competition of any kind, but parental and teacher mandates forced me into those situations. Once, at the insistence of friends (?), I ran for class president. The class wasn't interested in a leader with rubber legs and facial ticks who didn't know a beer when she saw it, so the jokster, party-boy won. That did nothing to boost my self-esteem.
Posted by Catch Her in the Wry at 1:59 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Hair today, gone tomorrow
Posted by Catch Her in the Wry at 9:48 AM 1 comments