"Everything that is really great and inspiring is created by the individual who can labor in freedom" Albert Einstein

"A dame who knows the ropes isn't likely to get tied up." Mae West

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Tuesday Titillation

When giving financial advice, I recommend keeping receipts and always using coupons.  Even when in jail, an inmate took that advice, but apparently there isn't enough storage space in a jail cell.

The man was hiding a general store in his rectum, including a drug store receipt, a coupon, matches, cigarette, pills, a SYRINGE WITH NEEDLE (ouch), lip balm and more.  All were contained in a condom to keep them fresh and sanitized.

I bet he has a reputation for being a big A**hole.

You can find other uses for a condom here.


Red Shoes said...

hmmm... he was able to use a water balloon for a condom?


Sounds kinda small and tight to me...

just sayin'...


Crockhead said...

at least that solves the problem of losing coupons and receipts.

Catch Her in the Wry said...

crock: Now I need to ask my clients where they store their receipts before I handle them.

white rabbit said...

Always informative here (via link to uncyclopedia) ...

Semen can be is hazardous to your health and may cause pregnancy in females!


When I was at university we used to water bomb passing drunks with water filled condoms from the 8th floor. Policemen we just made oinking noises at. It was amusing to see them looking around trying to work out the source of this impertinence (the policemen that is, the drunks just swore a lot).