"Everything that is really great and inspiring is created by the individual who can labor in freedom" Albert Einstein

"A dame who knows the ropes isn't likely to get tied up." Mae West

Sunday, June 27, 2010

My Friday evening

There's nothing quite like seeing a couple in love. The eyes gazing, the hand holding, the brush of a cheek. 

But when it evolves into heavy petting in public, it becomes disturbing

especially while you're eating

and the couple is quite grey and wrinkled.

Oviously they were having an affair

at a well-lit all you can eat Chinese buffet.


Red Shoes said...

hmmm... maybe they had the same noodle?? Kinda like in 'Lady and the Tramp"... maybe???



Larry Wallberg said...

You know what they say:

What happens at the Early Bird Special, stays at the Early Bird Special.

Catch Her in the Wry said...

Red:I think it was the spicy hot and sour soup. I was afraid to see what the action was UNDER the table.

Larry: They probably had to be in bed by 9.

Crockhead said...

Exactly what did you observe that made you think they were having an affair? Could have been a married couple with Alzheimer's.

Anonymous said...

I think I've seen this couple. I witnessed a similar make-out session at Bentley's a couple months ago. Gross at any age!

Catch Her in the Wry said...

crock: Things were way too hot for Alzheimer's, and they weren't acting like any married couple I know, even newlyweds.

carichblogs: Yeah, gross indeed. I hope they don't show up at the roller derby and distract you.

white rabbit said...

I can't say that a well lit all you can eat Chinese buffet would be my location of choice for that sort of thing...

Catch Her in the Wry said...

white: My sentiments exactly. Give me a dark back alley near the dumpster.

white rabbit said...


You old romantic, you!
