From Going Like Sixty who stole this from Sunday Stealing:
2. What made you start? an itch to write and the death of my baby brother
3. Who inspired you? Going Like Sixty. He proved to me that you can be 60ish and still have something important to say combined with a great sense of humor.
4. About how many hours a week would you estimate you spend on your blog? It varies, but averages 1-1.5 hours
5. What kind of experience or background do you have with writing? amateur stuff, although I was a rhetoric major in college; written a few newspaper columns in the past few years
6. Talk about how you come up with blog topics. There's always something to write about - everywhere you look. Where do you get your ideas? in my brain 7. What or who inspires you and your blog? everything
8. Where and/or how do your brainstorming for your blog? No need to brainstorm, the topics are out there
9. Do you have any blogging rules or guidelines you follow? Keep the sexual stuff subtle or as inuendo. Limit the bragging about children to a minimum. Don't take myself too seriously.
10. Is there anything you will not blog about? hot flashes, menopause, periods, and other girlie crap. There are enough old female bloggers doing that, and that humor gets old very quickly.
11. Do you have any sort of a publishing schedule in terms of day of week or topic? nope, whatever, whenever I feel like it
12. Do you make any money from your blog? No, I can make more money elsewhere.
14. How did you come up your blog name? I've had that name in my head since high school when I read The Catcher in the Rye.
16. Do you have undeveloped blog domain names? yes Care to share them? not yet
18. Are you having as much fun as when you started? Writing, yes; but so many interesting bloggers have given up posting, so my reading others has declined, but I have found some new, interesting ones.