Monday, February 8, 2010

The Blues

House Beautiful magazine featured everything blue in their issue this month.

The color blue is one of my favorites. Actually denim blue, navy blue and baby blue to be exact. People say my blue eyes look bluer when I wear blue.
Sometimes even brown eyes can become blue.

Blue makes many people happy.
There are blue mountains:

And blue oceans:
And blue skies:
Blue jeans:
Blue beer:
Blue whales:
Blue men:

Blue moons:

Blue(s) brothers:

Blue bayous:

Even blue monsters:
But it can also make people sad.

Fortunately for you blue bloods, there are blue bars for those times you just can't handle being blue:

And if you don't know what a blue note is, you don't know blues.


  1. Wow! Classy stream of (blue) consciousness there!

    The Blues Brothers is one3 class film.


  2. white: It just all happened out of the blue.

  3. I LOVE IT!!!!! Especially Roy's "Blue Bayou!!!" Hmmm... I know a 'blue something' you left out... :oD


  4. red and steve: Glad you enjoyed the images and music. The above is my favorite scene from Naked Gun 2 1/2. You have to see it several times to catch all the humor, including the pictures on the wall.
