Tuesday, February 9, 2010

And yet I have time to write this...

5:30 am family medical emergency; scooped snow from sidewalk for ambulance
4 1/2 inches of snow last night
7:30 am came home,changed clothes and went to work
8:00 am scooped snow from office sidewalk
8:30-6 taxes, taxes, taxes, taxes, taxes, taxes, taxes, taxes, taxes, taxes, taxes, taxes
3:30pm more snow plus blowing and drifting
6 pm eat dinner
7 pm clean bathroom at relative's house because of medical emergency (not looking forward to that)
8 pm taxes
9 pm The Office reruns
10 pm zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


  1. Whatever the medical emergency was, I hope everything is going to be OK.

  2. Memphis: Thanks. Looks like all is stable and under control. It's just what you encounter when dealing with elderly parents.

  3. I don't think I could ever retire if it's like that - too exhausting...

    Sorry about elderly parent crisis - trust for happy ending.
