Sunday, June 22, 2008

You got what you thought you wanted

I'm not one to sympathize with people who are willing to compromise their individual freedom for financial gain. This blogger seems to sympathize with a religious leader who doesn't like the fact he can't preach politics in the pulpit without losing his church's tax exempt status. Freedom of speech and all that.

If you're in bed with the government, how can you not realize that you'll eventually be getting screwed? When you make a deal, you're agreeing to conditions. Free speech was thrown out the window when his church asked the IRS for tax-exempt status (for tax deductible donations to subsidize his pastoral salary). That's right, you request that status - the government doesn't force you to be tax-exempt, it just forces the regulations on you in exchange. Did they really think they would get something for nothing? This same reverend has probably preached at least once about selling your soul to the devil.

If people want true freedom, let them act like free men and live without government interference. Unfortunately, it has become the modern mind-set that government is good and citizens voluntarily sign their freedoms away to Big Brother, and especially for financial considerations. Here's another example. Farmers used to be independent fellows, but now they sign contracts to let the government tell them what to plant, what not to plant and where to plant in exchange for those big subsidy checks. There are hundreds of other examples.

Just try living life without asking the government for anything and find out what freedom really is. True freedom is difficult enough to maintain in these times of big government, but voluntarily giving away your freedom is simply downright foolish.

1 comment:

  1. Hear, hear, at least to the first part of your post. The reverend can say whatever he wants to from the pulpit, that's protected by the first amendment. But, as you say, if he wants the benefit of tax exemption, then he has to follow the regulations to get that. I like your metaphor about getting in bed with the government. Maybe he thinks the condom of a law suit will keep him from getting pregnant. Guess what -- they're not very effective (condoms and lawsuits.) (But let's not stretch your metaphor too far; what are lawyers?)
