Saturday, June 21, 2008

Please tell me this isn't the end

This listing in the Champaign-Urbana Craigslist has me worried:Hopefully the theater is not going out of business at the end of the lease period.


  1. Wow, you've scooped the news media. I think someone other than Boardman owns the real estate. Let's hope this doesn't mean the owner and the operator are at loggerheads.

  2. Boardman got rid of the Lorraine in Hoopeston, so he may be ready to rid himself of this one too. His real life is in California and perhaps he's tired of managing from a distance.

  3. $5500 a month rent??? Those are California rates! He's high on something.

  4. I love old theaters. Especially because they were usually located IN town, not out on a highway that requires you to get into a car to reach it.
