Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Titillating Tuesday - Bald benefits

Going bald keeps you from getting crabby.

Apparently with so many people waxing and shaving, pubic lice have nowhere to roam. According to this Bloomberg article:

Waning infestations of the bloodsuckers have been linked by doctors to pubic depilation...
(For some reason I like the way that phrase was written)

Not only are there some health benefits to this craze, from an economic standpoint companies are seeing sales booms:

The global market for depilatories was worth $4.69 billion last year, according to London-based Euromonitor International Ltd., which estimates sales increased at a 7.6 percent average annual clip the past decade. Cincinnati-based P&G, Slough, England-based Reckitt Benckiser and Energizer Holdings Inc. (ENR), based in St. Louis, dominate the market, which Euromonitor predicts will reach $5.6 billion by 2016
What a lousy way to make some money.


  1. LMBO!!!

    I'm home bound trying to make it through an ice storm... this was very entertaining!!!


  2. Depilation? Depilatories? If you hadn't used the term 'bald' in the title I wouldn't have known what the heck we were all talking about. :-) Those poor lice, where will they live in this age of clean-shaven genitals? Oh, I know, they'll all move to Memphis! Wait, they're living here already. Yep, our public schools in Memphis are loaded with them.

  3. Welcome back! I managed to post too ...

    I've just had surreal images of crazed homeless pubic lice roaming angrily about looking for someone to take it out on (as it were)

  4. I didn't even know that people are still having lice down there!
    For me it seems like an extensive propaganda so that the hair removal industry can reach those many billions of dollars in value by 2016.

  5. Not only are there some health benefits to this craze,
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  6. Wow, one more great reason to keep things bare down there! Although I am imagining a herd of lice scattering as a razor bears down menacingly...

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