Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Wacky Wednesday Wisdom - Happy Thanksgiving

"Here I am 5 o'clock in the morning stuffing bread crumbs up a dead bird's butt." ~ Roseanne Barr


  1. crock: So that's what those little dried bits are clinging to your beard.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving!!!

    It's tomorrow isn't it? I really don't know cos we don't celebrate it. Third Thursday in November?

    ps Thanks for taking all those C17 Calvinists

  3. There's nothing quite like stuffing bread up a turkey's butt to make your mouth water, eh?

  4. white: Yes, it's tomorrow, but will anyone be reading blog posts then? Except a couple of Brits perhaps.

    memphis: That's why I only make dressing which is always made outside the turkey. That way no turkey bodily fluids are leaking into my bread and I can actually lick my fingers without cringing.
