Friday, November 11, 2011

The Power of Seduction

After reading the 23 page grand jury report of the Penn State saga, it is easy to understand the inevitable firings.  Read it for yourself and if you're not sick to your stomach before you finish reading it, there's something wrong with you.


  1. It's hard to believe a 28-year-old human being would walk into a locker room, see a 10-year-old boy being sodomized, wouldn't lift a finger to help but would go home and call his father. And, he was still coaching at Penn State until yesterday?

  2. crock: When all the media attention was on the administrators, my thoughts were exactly like yours - why didn't the person who actually saw the abuse report it immediately to the police? I think all of them were too worried about losing their jobs to do the right thing.

  3. Fear of losing your job for helping a child get away from a rapist? Wow!! Something is rotten at Penn State -- maybe in big time college sports.

  4. Crock: You know it is not uncommon for people to witness a crime and do nothing. It happens often. You and I are different from those people, and that's why I'm proud to call you my friend.

  5. I could not get through page two.

    One would think that Penn Staate is a part of the Catholic church, the way they have handled things.

    Anyone who had an inkling of what was happening and did not report it to the police is as guilty as Sandusky!!

  6. Too much like work...

    No not all work but we occasionally get this sort of stuff. Autopsy photos of murder victims aren't great either.
