Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Tuesday Titillation

"A 28-year-old woman in India came to her doctor with an unusual complaint: a sudden and persistent increase in her sex drive. She felt constantly aroused, often with no stimulation at all."

No this isn't the beginning of a dirty joke.

Most people wouldn't consider hypersexuality a problem, but, in fact, it's a symptom of a deadly disease and the symptom doesn't show up until it's too late.

What awful thing could be behind this seemingly pleasant condition?  In this case it was a bite from a puppy two months earlier who had rabies.

So if you're looking for a highly erotic good time, find someone with rabies (or a dog, skunk or bat if that's your thing).  But don't expect to be around too long afterward to brag about it

unless, of course, you've had your vaccination.


  1. You sure know how to scare somebody ... Happy Halloween!

  2. Sightings: I was simply providing a public service announcement.

  3. Thanks for the info. Know any rabid dogs around this town? By the way, I'll bet you just increased you're blog traffic by 10.

  4. crock: Just put a picture of a sexy woman in a blog post the the stats jump way more than 10. ;)

  5. I'm gonna sic my dog on Jessica Biel and then ride her til we're dead. But first I have to figure out how to give my dog rabies.
