Monday, July 18, 2011

Music Monday

75 years ago today, Oscar Mayer rolled out the first Weinermobile.

To celebrate, here's an ear-worm for you:


  1. I was completely mystified by this. Must be an American thing...

    Google to the rescue. i'm pleased to report that Mr Mayer and his - erm - weiners never made it to these shores


    wv: wooph

  2. Jon: Only if they're grilled.

    white: It's my pleasure to educate the uneducated. These hot dogs are nothing like actual German weiners (note the sign on the Weinermobile).

    The Weinermobile would make visits to communities, which was a big deal back in the 1950's & 60's, and the driver would hand out little whistles in the shape of the Weinermobile. (Yes, I once had a weiner whistle.) You can hear a weiner whistle a couple of times in the commercial.

    Oscar Mayer weiners are smooth and slimy, but a very American household staple - especially those with children.

  3. You never see or hear about that thing anymore. Needs to be brought back.
