Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

Last living parent, but still lookin' good at 90.5

(FYI: I plan to be back blogging more regularly now.)


  1. he has the same smile that he did - what - 30 years ago? (welcome back)

  2. What a GREAT looking guy! This has to be your favorite picture of him. Did you take it?
    (welcome back(

  3. Yes, he IS a great looking guy!!

    I wish my Dad was here today... even though you and I are about the same age, my Dad's birthday is coming up later this week, and he would be 105... bless his heart.

    I hope you enjoy your time with your Dad today... and every time you get a chance...


  4. Thanks, guys. I hope you're all enjoying your Father's Day, too. The recent pic was taken by a camera-crazy fellow at a h.s. graduation party. Crock: He was about 32 years old in that black & white picture. You do the math and you'll discover you're way off.;D

  5. glad to hear you'll be back to blogging more regularly....hoping you're doing well....
