Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tuesday Titillation

Some men like having sex with show girls and some apparently like having sex with show hogs.

"...the hogs were examined by a local veterinarian, during a routine examination, and the owner was told that four of the hogs had a vaginal infection."
A fellow in Mississippi got caught after a farmer suspected a fox in the hog house and police set up surveillance cameras.

Who knew that getting down and dirty with hogs could land a 120 year prison sentence?


  1. Oh man... I had to check that link to make sure I hadn't been caught... er... didn't know the person who was doing this!!

    My Granddad bought and sold mules in the Mississippi Delta back in the early 1900's... my Dad told me that they would not sell mare mules to some people because they knew they would have sex with the mules and pass diseases on to them...



  2. shoes: I thought this happened in your neck of the woods, but the culprit didn't look much like the photo on your blog.

  3. That IS my neck of the woods!! That's only about 40 miles that-a-way (point that-a-way)...


  4. Well, you have to admit they are kind of provocative, flaunting their private parts like that, with a flimy little tail not covering up anything.

  5. Well, as show pigs, they were the cutest ones!

    wv: hotter

  6. There really is no accounting for taste... Plus giving the poor porkers a STI. Having said this I do wonder what on earth a criminal court is supposed to do with him.

    wv: bedscryl

  7. crock: I'm getting a bit worried about you if you think that's provocative, but perhaps it's your Amish upbringing.

    Jon: Show pigs are cute, but they are also generally the fattest.

    white: Some men prefer pork and apparently he wasn't Jewish.

    In Mississippi courts, the punishment is 120 years. The only porkers he might be poking in prison will be the human kind.

  8. Bestiality is as old as history itself. A man, in ancient times, once caught his wife getting it on with a pony and whipped the animal, so that it actually penetrated so far she died. The danger of humans contracting all sorts of maladies from that sort of sex is very grave. Isn't this how syphillus and AIDS spread through society?

  9. Anon: I'm trying to imagine how that was done with a horse. It must take a strong back or under-belly acrobatics.
