Monday, January 3, 2011

Music Monday

Time to celebrate the New Year.  Those in the know say the recession is over and 2011 will be a great year.  What do you think?


  1. It is generally assumed over here that this year will be a train wreck for the economy featuring in no particular order: tax rises, a leap in unemployment, threatrs of redundancy for the still unemployed, cutbacks in service provision and voluntary sector funding, repossessions, civil disorder, continuing credit crunch with people who would have been waved through effortlessly in the recent past unable to get mortgages, maybe even inflation and interest rate rises on top of the above horror show....

    Apart from that, it will be a mess of fun :D

  2. Happy New Year!!!

    Well... We can't continue to spend the way the Gov't has been spending. Bush over spent, and Obama went insane on spending...

    Whatever economic recovery we may achieve will be destroyed if gasoline hits the $4 per Gallon level that "they" say is going to happen...

    That, in my opinion, is what really drove us into a tail spin when it last happened...

    The Dems are saying that the Republicans are going to 'gridlock' things... Hell, I hope so...

    I know what happens when I spend the way this government's been spending...

    Other than that, Happy New Year to you!!!


  3. What White Rabbit said...but I don't know where "over here" is, but I don't think Americuns will be disobedient. Unless you call the Teabags disobedient.
    Can we have an economic recovery and still go broker?
    I have never been more pessimistic about the future of the U.S.

  4. GLS - Over here is the UK where the population has adopted a very French response to anything that annoys them of late...

