Saturday, September 11, 2010

Our local heroes

Since it's the anniversary of the infamous 9/11 incident, and since my favorite local non-profit organization is in the process of publishing a calendar of our local firemen as a fund-raiser, here's a sample page from the calendar of one of our local heroes. We do grow good-looking heroes in our neck of the woods.  The small pictures on the right are of a major fire in our downtown that destroyed our vintage movie theater.


  1. The first responders who perform these acts... whether it's a national event like that of 9/11, or those local losses we suffer in our home towns, they don't receive enough credit and more often than not, are severely under-paid...

    God Bless those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001, and their families...


  2. Our local firemen heroes are volunteers and they do a terrific job.

  3. A good day to remember ALL the heroes in life.

    *I think fireman garb is like cowboy does soooo much for a man. ;)
