Monday, September 6, 2010

Music Monday - Work Songs


  1. OHMYGOD!!!!

    Who did "5 O'clock World?!?"

    The Vogues or Jay and the Americans?!? I LOVE that SONG!!!

    ... and then Sam Cooke and "The Chain Gang"... I think we need the chain gang mentality back in our prison system. I'm politically incorrect anyway...

    ... and Tennessee Ernie Ford!!! I LOVED him when I was a kid!!! "Sixteen Tons!!!" That video clip of him in his latter years watching himself and snapping his fingers in the video!!!!

    When I was a kid, I knew ALL of the words to that song!!! I just recently worked out an arrangement for that song on guitar!!!

    This is GREAT!!! THANKS!!!!


  2. shoes: I'm always aiming to please my audience.
