Thursday, August 12, 2010

Thursday Thoughts - No Eat, Pray, Love For Me

Eat, Pray, Love, the movie, is now in theaters. I don't plan to see it, I don't want to see it, I never had any desire to see it.  Especially after watching an interview with the author of the book, Elizabeth Gilbert. She seemed to be a whiny, self-absorbed woman who thought the way to deal with life is running from it, which is no surprise based upon her troubles in life prior to her travels.

Per Barnes & Noble website:

"Biography: Known for her in-depth profiles for magazines from Harper's Bazaar to GQ, Elizabeth Gilbert has developed a reputation for relaying what makes people tick, both in her reportage and her acclaimed works of fiction."

So she understands "what makes people tick", but she had to take a whole year off traveling around the world to find herself. Pu-leeze.

Movies about crazy, desperate women, high on hormones and blame of others for their problems and their search for "spirituality", is not the type of movie that is going to hold my interest. However, the movie will probably make a great deal of money because America's Sweetheart, Julia Roberts, is the star and every woman but me loves a chick flick.

Here's a great comedic review of the movie that is much more enjoyable than 90 minutes of torture one can expect at the theater:


  1. I have never liked Julia Roberts, ever. I think she is bizarre-looking, unconvincing, and I totally agree with you about the "crazy, desperate women, high on hormones and blame of others for their problems and their search for 'spirituality'"...

  2. Holly: And I thought I was a lone wolf. At least there's two of us.

  3. She is cute enough and has been good in some of her movies but I don't feel compelled to see a movie just because she is in it. This one holds absolutely no interest for me.

  4. freak: Wonderful. Now there's 3 of us who are sensible.

  5. I'm not sensible. I like Julia Roberts and I want to see the movie. So there.

  6. Crock: Yeah, but you're only going for the eye candy, not the storyline, aren't you?

  7. Well, I do have a sweet tooth, I'll admit to that. I probably won't like the storyline, but, then, I won't know if I don't go to see it. A.O. Scott in the New York Times likes the movie. The New York Times is my Bible.

  8. I feel that I have been on a spiritual journey... quest... for quite a few years now... but I couldn't afford to take a year off and go to the places that this character went to.

    I have to wrap my spiritual journey around things like teaching, being a Dad, and other various and sundry things that need to be done...


    I should have starred in that movie... LOL


    PS: the word verifications are something!!! 'sniscobr

  9. Red: You should have written the book - your story would probably be WAYYYYYY more intersting.
