Friday, August 20, 2010

Friday Frenzy - #2 This and That

If you think you've aged over the years, check out this slide show of rock stars then and now. It might make you feel better about yourself.


08/20/1920 Professional football was first organized. Seven men — including football star Jim Thorpe — met in Canton, Ohio, and formed the American Professional Football Conference (APFC), the precursor to the National Football League (NFL). College football was much more popular back then, and it took decades for the professional circuit to gain popularity. Now Americans can't seem to get enough of both college and professional games.
Back when I was young, boys were allowed to have all the fun...

and girls were stuck with this...


  1. A woman after my own heart. I always wanted the boys' toys. Even when I got Barbies I had G.I. Joe's and Best of the West figures, too, for her to pal around with. My Barbies did NOT sit around painting their toe nails and dreaming about Ken.

  2. I may have to steal the rock stars then and now thing...

    Mostly they show that heroin and cocaine don't do your appearance any favours. Keith Richards may look like a raddled lizard but I am constantly amazed that he is still alive. A lot depends on the individual - Debbie Harry could look worse, especially given her drugs input ditto Stevie Nicks - Patti Smith who is I think younger than Harry looks like your batty aunt. Bowie doesn't look too bad despite much being the drugs piggy.

    Some don't look too good in the first place - Lydon, Iggy Pop but some have deteriorated pretty radically, Alice Cooper, Rod Stewart and Jagger for example.

    We still look pretty good, though :D

  3. Ace: My daughter got Barbies from her grandmother. Her Barbies got blown up in the Barbiemobile many times and often lost body parts fight crimes. She was no sissy doll.

    White: My thoughts exactly regarding the drugs. I was shocked at Linda Ronstadt. I don't think I would have recognized her without her name attached to the photo. BTW: How did you know I have a batty aunt?

  4. One's batty aunt generically . Not a specific batty aunt...

    *vague gesture*
