Friday, July 9, 2010

Presenting with pleasure - a new safety device

If your mother told you doing it would make you go blind, now you can have a car with a vibrating seat that warns you if something is in your blind spot.

For those women who like to apply makeup while driving, you can also use the vibrating mascara , and be sure to set your cell phone on vibrate for maximum driving satisfaction.

But please keep your eyes on the road.


  1. I don't know what to say...

    But the imagination is running riot!


  2. white: It now allows one to drive to lover's land without a date and still have a good time.

  3. I don't know WHERE my mind is today... but shouldn't vibrators come with a factory installed safety? Like automatic pistols, or rifles and shot guns have?

    I mean the thing could accidentally go off... what a waste... ;o)


  4. And then it came to me...

    'Is that a car in your blind spot or are you just pleased to see me?'

    Oh dear....

  5. All those vibrating, umm, parts may well create another road hazard.
