Monday, July 12, 2010

A new business development strategy

If your water park business is failing in this economy, just pray for a miracle.  The rain stops and business increases 200%, right after Jesus shows up in an unfurled flag.

Of course an expert needs to authenticate these things, so a Catholic priest, who of course had nothing better to do, visited the water park on Thursday to inspect the flag. (click on link for picture)

Unfortunately, the Vatican takes its time on all matters of importance, and it will take decades to get a confirmation from them that it truly is Flag Jesus. Just look how long it took them to verify child abuse within their own confines.

While I'm waiting for the results, I think I'll enjoy my breakfast... 


  1. Hmmmmm...

    That looks like Cheech Marin on your toast1


  2. It's a bit like the psychics isn't it. If it is Jesus why be so obtuse? Just come out and say: "I'm real, worship me". Maybe I'll become a spirit one day and stand behind John Edward and say "Tell her my name starts with M"....

  3. You mean you're not selling Jeebus on eBay? Are you un-American or something? :-)
