Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Finally he quits!

The only thing worse than a politician is a career politician. He hadn't had a real job since 1945.   If you're a politician long enough, you'll play both sides of the fence: yes, Vietnam War; no, Iraq War; no, Civil Rights Act; yes, KKK (apology later); yes civil rights legislation.

Nearly 50 years on the taxpayers' dime and  boastful of his tag line "King of Pork..." 

“I hope to become West Virginia’s billion-dollar industry."

This was not public service. This was a public disgrace.


  1. Yay! Finally someone has the cojones to call bullshit on all the hypocritical blather about this paradigm of the slimy, self-interested politician.

    I'm surprised that the news reports haven't pointed out what a "distinguished musician" he was.

  2. Larry: There were TV news reports that included his musical prowess. I say fiddle-dee-dee! Who cares?

  3. Well, I hoped you'd make a suitably sarcastic comment responding to the bloviation written on the text cards in that video.

    Apparently, the people who praise his mediocre but hammy musical prowess exhibit the same refined sensibilities as the people who praise his porky politics.

  4. Amen to your post and to the comments. The King of Pork made me ashamed, and I live where Rand Paul is getting support.

  5. I agree!! It's kind of like 'The Emperor's New Clothes'... and someone has to call shenanigans on this bullshit...

    It's amazing the nice stuff they come up with about some people when they die...

    I think I will have my own funeral before I die... just to see who shows up and what they say about me...

    bastards... :oD


  6. I agree that he was a career politician and porker. But the guy did die ...

  7. Red: I've never been to a funeral yet where the eulogy has been totally honest. But I guess that's what a eulogy is - praises and homage, otherwise it would be criticism.

    Giggle T: Yes, he did die as so shall we all. It's just unfortunate for us all that he wasn't smart enough to retire long before his death.
