Friday, June 25, 2010

Change of life

Yesterday I went to a luncheon honoring a friend who is retiring from a position in the public school system.  We were asked to write down a piece of advice to her about retirement.  Here's what I told her:

She'll probably be bored out of her mind within six months.  She's still young, fun, attractive and active. Even a part-time job doing something she loves won't really seem like a job.  Note that I didn't say get a new career. That would be too much work.


  1. Nothing like using music to drive a point home. You don't think you we're too subtle do you?

  2. kirk: I didn't need to be subtle with her and besides she's already thinking about what she'd like to do (after a few months break, of course).

  3. You say she's still (1) young, (2) fun, (3) attractive, and (4) active?!?!?! WTF?!?!?!?! ;o)

    Just sayin'...


  4. red: I mean she's got a great deal of life left in her that shouldn't be wasted putting around in retirement.

  5. So let me get this straight. You think your friend should join a doo-wop group?

  6. Larry: Yep, and I'll be in the backup line.

  7. "Yep, and I'll be in the backup line."

    Great! Can't wait for the video to come out. You get the harmonies and dance steps right you could tour.
