Monday, June 14, 2010

But they're just so stinkin' cute

Daughter #2, Annie Oakley, who can ride and shoot, has added critter trapping to her resume.  Fortunately there were no defensive moves on the part of the furry creatures.

Mamma and two babies are now properly relocated. 

Words to live by:  Never get into a pissing fight with a skunk.

Odor-able Kitty


  1. I'm impressed. How did Annie Oakley get close to the skunk without getting sprayed?

  2. crock: Not sure, but I think it had something to do with the tarp over the trap.

  3. LOL @ the tarp over the trap...

    You know... I was driving recently... and was really saddened to see what appeared to be a parent skunk... and six or so little skunkettes that had been hit by an automobile... I hope it wasn't done on purpose...


  4. red: I wondered who would catch that word play. ;-)

    I think it would be very difficult to hit 7 skunks at the same time accidentally.

  5. Yeah, I did notice your word play... ;o)

    And for the skunkettes... I just can't imagine someone being mean enough to run over animals on purpose... this is coming from a fellow who, if while mowing the yard, catches a snake... takes it out into the country to let it go...

