Tuesday, May 25, 2010

It's too darn hot

It's not even Memorial Day and the temperatures have been over 90 the past three days. The humidity has become a suffocating wet wool blanket.  Those proclaiming this is great weather are generally those who work in air-conditioning or lie half-naked in the baking sun, expending no more energy than to lift a cool, refreshing beverage to their lips.

I spent several hours Sunday evening cooking brats over a hot charcoal fire for a fund-raiser for a local charitable organization.  No complaints here since I volunteered for the job, but usually the May event is a pleasant 70 degree evening, not 90 degrees.  I was soaked by the time I got home.

I'm a cool weather person; perhaps it's my Scandinavian genes, I hate summer and it's only beginning.


  1. Cooking brats???? :-O

    Over here a brat is an unruly or unpleasant child.

    I'm in favour of hot weather - unless you have to work in it. Then it's not so much fun.


  2. white: Brats mean that here too but is also an abbreviation for bratwurst. I only cook the unruly children at home in my gingerbread house, not at fund-raisers.
