Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Moral Decision - you decide

One day you lose your wallet.  Several hours later a Good Samaritan calls and said he found your wallet.  You get it back with everything in tact including all the money.

Later that day you're attending a party with approximately 60-75 other guests.  You discover a wadded $20 bill on the floor.

Would you keep it since you don't know to whom the money belongs or would you too be a Good Samaritan and try to find the owner?

I know how the real story ended.

I also know what I would have done, but what about you?


  1. Hmmm...

    I am a big believer in 'karma'... and since someone had returned my billfold, in order to keep things constant in 'my universe,' I would have to make some kind of effort...

    I would probably notify the party host that I had found some amount of cash... and that if anyone inquired about some lost cash, have them contact me... I would make it available to that person...


  2. Many years ago, with three small children and a very tight budget, I was making the grocery store rounds with coupons and cash for my Thanksgiving dinner. Had to hit them all to save $$$. I was sick when I went to the store for my turkey and my folded up $20 was missing! I retraced my steps and called all of the stores. An employee had found it nicely folded in the dairy case and went to the service desk and returned it! I have never forgotten that someone working stocking shelves probably needed it just as much as I did could have kept it and no one would have been the wiser. You have to make an effort to find the owner, especially in a crowd. As your header states - it's a Moral Decision. So what happened?

  3. Red: That's what I would have done.

    Anon: Finders, keepers is what happened. :-(

  4. You know... at Alluvial Flood Plains State University... where I work... I found a small box with some jewelry in it... it was for someone's Mother... but nothing to identify who the owner was... I kept it in my desk... and posted a note on the classroom door... that something was found... and that if they would see me... and describe it to me... that it would be returned...

    Like I said earlier... I like good Karma...

    Life is tough enough already...


  5. Me too :( Sure hope that crowd was full of nothing but upper middle class and none of them would miss the twenty bucks. But then if the schmuck kept it....surely they needed it, right? I'm guessing not? Like Red said, karma.......hmmmm?
