Tuesday, February 23, 2010

My biggest time waster - other people

The person who emailed me numerous times for the email addresses of the others in our organization: If you would just look at the top of every single one of my emails to you in the "To:" box you will see everyone's email address. Please copy and paste in your own address book and quit bothering me to send you a list.

The person who wants to be reminded of our meetings: We meet every month/quarter at the same place, at the same time, and on the same day of the month (i.e. second Monday). Either mark your calendar, put an alarm on your digital calendar, or slap a post-it note on your face to help you remember. You're an adult and I am not your mother.

The uninformed: Don't waste other people's time at meetings asking for explanations on issues that were discussed previously at the past several meetings which you neglected to attend. You had been given copies of all minutes and reports for those meetings. All your questions would have been answered had you read the reports that we spent time writing and distributing.

The accuser: Again, if you had read all the reports given to you prior to the meeting or listened at the meetings, you would know that all those things you are just now questioning were done months ago.

The appointment absentee: I have a very busy schedule, but I make time for my appointments. You could at least call and tell me you're not coming or at the very least, call and apologize later in the day. I have other clients more important and courteous than you who deserve that time.

The convenience store customer: Must you take the time to use a debit card for a $1.50 coffee when there is a line of seven people behind you who are hurrying to get to work.


  1. There you are! I'd been pining ;) My pet hate is - well all the people you mention but in particular the queueblocker. It takes them by surprise that they are expected to pay and then spend an age fumbling about for the right card/change. Or they decide it is time to have a Socratic dialogue with the person behind the counter. A particularly annoying sub-species is the rush hour customer at the busy commuter railway station who grinds everything to a halt with an extensive enquiry as to how to get to Auchtermuchty via Nether Wallop on a Tuesday morning at 8.30am three months hence. They give me homicidal fantasies, I have to confess.

  2. I got out of quasi-public service (volunteering) because of the remind me/uninformed/accusers.

    Pet peeve: discussion before there is a motion and "I make a motion..."

    Parliamentary Procedure Using Roberts Rules of Order was the only college class that I aced. Tests/quizzes/classwork/exams, ba-bam! Too much knowledge...

  3. white: Thanks for missing me. Tis been an avalanche of work but things will be better by next week and I'll be posting more, if my time is used properly.

    gls: ugh - discussions - isn't there a rule that says let's just cut the crap and take a vote on the damn motion?

  4. Hey you... another 'missing you' here...

    Meetings... I have grown to greatly DISLIKE meetings... blerk...


  5. Three of my favorite fellas hanging around waiting for me to come back. It makes a girl feel very special (blush, blush). I promise I'll be back again on a regular basis after March 1st when all these farm tax returns are completed and filed. This is my busiest month of the year.
