Saturday, January 30, 2010

Jive Time

This is one of the reasons I wish I had been alive in the 1940's. I always have wanted to learn to tap dance.

If you don't have the patience to watch all 10 minutes of this video (but you really should), skip to 8:40 and you'll either cringe or be amazed or both.

Finale to "Stormy Weather" 1943 with Cab Calloway, Bill "Bojangles" Robinson, Lena Horne and the Nicholas Brothers


  1. I so enjoyed that. Haven't seen splits like that since my honeymoon. And I always love to watch people putting on the ritz.

  2. I've never wanted to tap dance, but I would sure love to take dance lessons... I enjoy watching two people who know their moves on the dance floor...


  3. red: I've taken ballroom dance lessons, but never could look as elegant as Fred and Ginger.

  4. Or maybe the 1930s. Apart from fascism, stalinism, imminent war, depression, mass unemployment - a pretty cool time.

    Check out WR to see ;D

    wv: guipard - sounds French

  5. white: Yes, politically and economically very bad, but the music was great in the 1930's and1940's. Cole Porter is one of my all time favorites.
