Saturday, October 3, 2009

Why is it not surprising this occured in Kentucky?

Kentucky has a reputation for spawning jokes about child brides and incestuous relationships, but this is no joke.

A convicted pedophile has been ordained by a church.

At least this church has openly admitted to the dirty deed, as opposed to some religions that hide their pastoral crimes.

But some Kentuckians have wisdom:

A Kentuckian saw a priest walking down the street. Noticing his collar, he stopped him and said, "Excuse me, but why are you wearing your shirt backwards?" The priest laughed, "Because, my son, I am a Father!" The Kentuckian scratched his head. "But I am a father too, and I don't wear my shirt backwards!" Again the priest laughed. "But I am a Father of thousands!" To which the Kentuckian replied, "Well then you should wear your shorts backwards!"

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