Friday, September 26, 2008

Why I don't vote

Because I need no leaders; I can make my own decisions about what is good for me.

Because I accept personal responsibility for the care and well being of myself and my family.

Because I don't compromise and have no admiration for those who do.

Because people who seek to be leaders are dangerous people who want power and control over others.

Because I had no part in electing any of them, I can complain and ridicule imbecilic politicians, regardless of party affiliation.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you. I'm sure all the folks in 3rd world countries are proud of you. People like Koreans, Africans, Rwanda etc. You know, like those people who speak up against the politicians and how their countries are run and then secretly find themselves and their families buried in some open grave somewhere. Decapitated, tortured. Just like in downtown Chicago, or Tampa or New York City. Right?

    "Because I had no part in electing any of them, I can complain and ridicule imbecilic politicians, regardless of party affiliation."

    You are only able to do all of the above because other responsible citizens voted. They also fought and died in wars so that you can go tell Obama and McCain to go fuc* themselves.

    Nobody said you have to marry the candidates. Listen to their speeches, listen to the debates, listen to ALL the TV media stations and then go to a voting booth on November 4th and VOTE!

    I understand how you feel. Everything sucks right now. But don't let it get you down. We must exercise our last American right of voting.
