Monday, March 31, 2008

A Not-so Taxing Season

I have wonderful clients, especially during tax season. For some reason, after I prepare their taxes, they come back bearing gifts - some too extravagant, some handcrafted, and some yummy for the tummy. But I appreciate each and every one.

This is a rose made of duct tape. How many duct tape roses have you given your accountant for a job well done? I feel honored that I am probably only one of a handful who can say that they received one.

I got a $25 gift certificate to a local eatery and $100 in gift certificates to a nice bar/restaurant in the neighboring college town.

A male client gave me his made-from-scratch chocolate cake with cream cheese icing. (Sorry no picture available, it disappeared too quickly).

Another client in the landscaping business gave me this dried hydrangea arrangement arrangement she made:

This stained glass heart was custom made by another male client who is now permanently disabled and is trying to start a new career making custom stained glass pieces:

I've also received two $5.00 cash tips.

Then Friday, a client showed up with this floral arrangement:
The mug was cute and the flowers were nice, but smack dab in the middle of the arrangement was this little Christmas sweater:

On the back, was this:

She wanted me to know that I have a huge fan base in the community that loved my newspaper column and who actually do understand my sense of humor.

I don't think I can ever retire. I just love my clients way too much to leave them.


  1. Wow, what a haul. But how cool that you got a Christmas Sweater! It's not really ugly enough, but what a funny and clever gift.

  2. Hey, if you need help drinking your way through those gift certificates to Seven Saints, my office is just around the corner.

  3. gls: Yes, it wasn't ugly enough,but it's the thought that counts.

    crockhead: After 4/15. And they do have good food in addition to alcohol.

  4. That sweater is awesome! I LOVE the meaning it conveys! ;)

    I used an accountant once after we purchased our home to double check my attempt at doing the taxes. I hit it right on the head, so I haven't used one since. As soon as we have a change in our status, such as winning the lottery, I'll go back again. But until then, it's pretty straightforward for us. Thank goodness.

    That sweater is just makin' me grin. :D

  5. I rely on the library for computer access, since I don't own one. Getting a dose of WRY today, and the librarians are curious what I'm reading,because I'm busting out laughing. I was proud to see my mini sweater posted....and I think I know where you got that duct tape rose..I have one too.

  6. cartier: You found me! Now you know just how much that little sweater means to me. I had to show it to the world.
